Japan: Building Constructive, Stable Ties With China Is Important

Japan: Building constructive, stable ties with China is important

Japan's top government spokesperson says it is important for Japan and China to make efforts to build constructive and stable bilateral ties. Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu made the comment a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping secured a third term as the Communist Party's leader.

Matsuno said the relationship between the two countries has a range of possibilities, but they face many tough challenges and pending issues.

He stressed that Japan will continue to say what it should, and it calls on China to act responsibly. He also said Japan will work with China to tackle common issues, while holding talks on pending and other matters.

Asked when the two countries' leaders will hold a summit, Matsuno replied that this has not been decided yet. But he said the government will take steps at various levels to deal with the issue.